211 Santa Cruz County
With over 500 local resources and multiple ways to navigate them,
211 Santa Cruz County is here to help you find what you are looking for.
How can we help?
Select a method that works best for you.
When you call, a live voice is on the other end - ready to help.
Emergency Severe Weather Shelters are Open!
Emergency Severe Weather Shelters are opening Friday, February 7 through Monday, February 10 from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. at the Santa Cruz Vets Hall (846 Front Street) and the Watsonville Vets Hall (215 E Beach St).
- Nighttime only. Lineup starts at 7 p.m. Shelters will operate from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. the following morning.
- First come, first served with preference for people with disabilities and health/safety risk.
- Pets allowed if leashed and under voice control (no aggressive animals allowed).
- Food served once intakes and bed assignments completed.
- Belongings must fit in small storage area near bed assignments.
Collaborative Resources supported by County of Santa Cruz, City of Santa Cruz and City of Watsonville. Sites operated by People First of Santa Cruz County.
Notable Resources:
Need help with taxes?
Upgrade your finances and file your taxes for free.
Survivors of crime
Learn more about restorative justice, what happens when you call 911, what happens in court, how to search for California sex offenders and more.
Enroll for emergency alerts
Stay up-to-date on emergencies in your area. Text "SCR911" to 99411 to enroll.
Interim shelters and sober living
Check out resources for sober living and emergency shelter environments like beds available, waitlist details, costs and more.
A Trusted Resource
211 Santa Cruz County employs dedicated staff to curate and maintain resource data and programs. We are the best and most-trusted source of social and health service resources in Santa Cruz County.
Add your programs and services today. We will assist in connecting 211 users with resources that best fit their geography and needs.
Making an Impact on our Community.
211 connects communities with whole person help, from basic needs and transportation to legal or disaster services. By anonymously tracking what is requested and where, we are also able to an in-depth look at underserved areas and populations of need.