211 Santa Cruz County is associated with various services and supports that can help people experiencing homelessness. Despite these connections, there are very limited housing and shelter resources available in Santa Cruz County, and not everyone seeking a housing resource can immediately receive one.
211 Santa Cruz County, in partnership with the County’s Housing for Health Division, is here to help link people to available supports and help identify potential resources for housing and other needs.
For any questions regarding the connection services request form please reach out to 211scc@unitedwaysc.org.
If you are experiencing homelessness and are not working with a Connector, or if you are working with someone who is experiencing homelessness, you may complete this request form for Connection Services. The request will allow 211 Santa Cruz County to look at the household’s composition and current circumstances to determine whether immediate key supports are available. Everyone who completes the request form will receive a response with resource recommendations based on the needs and circumstances reflected.
The request form can also be used to match and refer to a Coordinated Entry Connector (a person available to provide Connection Services). Connectors provide in-depth assessments and support for people experiencing homelessness. Because capacity is limited, not everyone completing this form will be referred to Connector Services.
Even though most information on this form is not required, the more information provided, the higher the chance of receiving a helpful response from 211 Santa Cruz County staff.
The form is not a Coordinated Entry Assessment and does not place people on the housing community queue (list) for H4HP-linked housing and service resources. Please provide as much information as possible about how to find you or the person requesting services should resources become available.